Red fox films at Marist.


生产 & 表演


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红狐影业 (RFF) strives to create a community for undergraduate students at Marist who are interested in filmmaking and give them an opportunity to create their own films while also giving students the experience of working together on a film set. We will also be hosting screenings, 颁奖典礼, and other events that will be created based on student suggestions.


总统: Cole Gormley '25

  • Responsible for properly communicating and overseeing other members of the executive board regarding all club events, 电子邮件, 变化, and activities as well as consistently communicating with the faculty advisor and any other external figures.
  • Fairly participate and oversee all current club operations to ensure that everything is running smoothly, while planning for the future.

副总裁: 艾米丽·萨姆纳25岁

  • Assists the president in whatever they may need including making sure the club is running well and reporting any issues back to the president.
  • Oversees other board members and communicates with the faculty advisor on a consistent basis.
  • Creates social media posts and must get approval from other board members.

秘书: Sean Mooddeen '24

  • Records all meeting notes, and reminds students to input their CWIDs into club dash to receive credit for attending meetings.
  • Sends out all club 电子邮件 through the Red Fox Film email address, but must get presidential approval prior to distributing.

财务主管: Joseph DellaVecchia '24

  • Responsible for overseeing the budget and distribution of funds for 红狐影业 activities.
  • Requests food for club members to share during events or activities. All budget issues and decisions must be shared with other members of the executive board and faculty advisor.


The club will hold its meetings in LT 021 at 9:15 p.m.. They will usually be on Tuesdays, but not every Tuesday.

优先级分 through 俱乐部 and Activities

To earn one (1) point: Members must attend a minimum of 50% of club/organization meetings for the semester and 50% of club/organization activities.

To earn two (2) points: Members must attend a minimum of 50% of club/organization meetings for the semester and 75% of club/organization activities + the community service event.

To earn three (3) points (executive board only): Officers must attend 50% of club meetings for the semester and 100% of club activities including community service. If executive board members do not complete all of the requirements to earn three points, they will be eligible to receive up to two points based on the above criteria.

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