students solving problems




The First Year Seminar Program is pleased to announce that the 2024/2025 常见的阅读 is Kacen Callender’s 从此以后的菲利克斯.

从此以后的菲利克斯 is a Young Adult novel about a Black transgender teen who struggles with issues of identity, 归属感, and self-assurance as he moves into adulthood, written by a Black, queer and trans author. The book has received the Stonewall Honor Award to recognize its merit as a text relating to the LGBTQIA+ experience.

The mission of the common read program is to engage the Marist community in dialogues about challenging contemporary issues. Each year the 常见的阅读 committee, composed of faculty, 工作人员, 和学生, makes a recommendation about a text that promotes interdisciplinary dialogues engaging with topics in diversity, 股本, 包容, 归属感, and social justice. This year’s 常见的阅读 theme is the LGBTQIA+ experience, a theme suggested over the years by many different members of the Marist community and enthusiastically embraced by the committee and the Provost and Dean of 教师.

The committee considered readability, 关联性, and interdisciplinarity when choosing this year’s 常见的阅读, and we believe that this book provides the college community with a unique opportunity to engage in important contemporary dialogues about the LGBTQIA+ community, 酷儿身份, 和历史. It lets students within the LGBTQIA+ community know that they are valued by bet亚洲365欢迎投注 and encourages students outside of this community to empathize with and understand a perspective that may be unfamiliar to them.

There are several ways for you to get a copy of 从此以后的菲利克斯. It is currently available at the Marist 书店. Additionally, there is a 图书馆指南 that details how to access the book through the library or get the book in an audio format.  

从此以后的菲利克斯 will be a dynamic and engaging 常见的阅读 that will appeal widely to the Marist Community, generate important and necessary discussion about the LGBTQIA+ experience, and cultivate a culture of 包容 on campus. The book lends itself to meaningful engagement both inside and outside of the First Year Seminar classroom.


Historical List of Marist 常见的阅读 Books

2023-24 Robin Wall Kimmerer,
Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, and the Teachings of Plants
2022-23 克林特·史密斯,
How the Word is Passed 


Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man


Vote for Us: How to Take Back Our Elections and Change the 投票的未来






The Distance Between Us


The Other Wes Moore: One Name, Two Fates


Azar Nafisi,
Reading Lolita in Tehran: A Memoir in Books


The Ghost Map: The Story of London’s Most Terrifying Epidemic and How it Changed, 科学, Cities, and the Modern World

2013-14 丽贝卡•鲁特
The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks