



雷蒙德一. 里奇领导力发展研究所


A bequest by one of the 20th century's leading businessmen and industrialists conservatively estimated at $75 million will lead to the development of a new program to educate and train individuals in the art of leadership for careers in business, 政府, 非营利部门.

雷蒙德一. 丰富的 bequeathed to Marist a 60-acre riverfront estate in the Ulster County Town of Esopus that contains one of the most historically and architecturally significant homes in the Hudson River Valley. “佩恩大厦”,多年来也被称为“欧米茄”和“威尔特威克”,是42,000-square-foot Beaux Arts-style palazzo designed by the famed Manhattan firm of Carrère and Hastings, 纽约公共图书馆和弗里克博物馆的建筑师. 它是1911年由奥利弗·哈扎德·佩恩上校建造的, a colonel (breveted to brigadier general) in the Civil War who founded an oil refinery that was later bought by John D. 洛克菲勒的标准石油公司.佩恩后来在那里担任财务主管. 罗伯特A的公司.M. 斯特恩, 耶鲁大学建筑学院院长, 谁的公司设计了bet亚洲365欢迎投注的汉考克中心, believes a residence of this significance and style would have a replacement value conservatively estimated at approximately $65 million.

此外,Mr。. 丰富的 has designated approximately $10 million for an endowment to support the 雷蒙德一. 里奇领导力发展研究所, which will be housed at the Esopus estate.

雷蒙德A. 里奇学院将重点发展交流, 人际关系, and social skills necessary to lead complex organizations in a global setting. It will accomplish this in a framework that emphasizes the 值 and integrity found in successful leaders. 演讲者, 会议, and workshops will encourage potential leaders to become better at motivating others through consideration and persuasion, 培养对更好的社会和经济环境的奉献精神.

"When Ray first started thinking about a leadership training legacy in his estate a few years ago, 他希望它有一个特殊的定位, 关注人们的感知——声音, 肢体语言, 演讲, 等. 作为表达诚信的一个组成部分, 灵敏度, 的关系, 第一印象, 持久的信赖, 尊重他人,克莱尔·卡尔森说, Mr. 里奇的长期伴侣和知己以及遗产执行人.

Following the purchase of the 佩恩 Mansion from the Marist Brothers in 1986, Mr. 里奇和夫人. 卡尔森被介绍给bet亚洲365欢迎投注院长丹尼斯. 穆雷. "It didn't take Ray long to realize that Dennis and bet亚洲365欢迎投注 were the ideal conduit for his personal quest to ignite his leadership concept. 雷相信道德, 值, humility and thoughtfulness must be inherent in leadership training as primary elements. bet亚洲365欢迎投注 has ethics and philosophy as required courses in its curriculum. 并不是很多大学都这样做. 卡尔森.

Mr. 里奇热衷于阅读商业新闻. 卡尔森说, "in recent years has highlighted how lacking our leaders are in these endeavors, 他们是政府吗?, 企业, 或非营利组织.

"He realized how dedicated Dennis 穆雷 has been to making bet亚洲365欢迎投注 over the past 30 years a cornerstone in today's world with its emphasis on morality, 给第一代学生的机会, 以及尖端的信息技术项目. Ray sensed that the Marist board is also strongly supportive of making the college a special educational experience.

“结果是,”她说. 卡尔森, “雷决定, 基于商业领袖的分析, that his concept was a perfect fit for bet亚洲365欢迎投注 and he looked no further."

"Ray 丰富的 took great pride not only in building organizations but also in the thousands of jobs and the economic prosperity created by those organizations,bet亚洲365欢迎投注校长穆雷说. “他曾经告诉过我, 成为一名成功的CEO的关键是雇佣优秀的人才, 要谦虚地管理他们, 并始终诚信经营. 这不仅是一件正确的事情,也是一笔好生意.如果今天的商界领袖听从了他的建议, 我怀疑我们的国家会陷入目前的经济动荡."

雷蒙德A. 丰富的研究所 is in keeping with Marist's three overriding ideals: excellence in education, 致力于服务, 培养社区意识,罗伯特R说。. 戴森,bet亚洲365欢迎投注大学董事会主席. bet亚洲365欢迎投注大学董事会热情地接纳了奥巴马先生. 丰富的's very generous gift with the board's and college community's gratitude to him for his gift and for the leadership he provided throughout his life."

雷蒙德一. 丰富的

雷蒙德一照片. 丰富的 雷蒙德一. 丰富的 was born in Los Angeles, California, in 1912, the son of Arthur and Lucy Baker 丰富的. 他在得梅因长大, 爱荷华州, and started his career by hiring on to a tramp freighter for a job in the engine room at age 18. 在爱荷华州立大学获得双工程学学位后, 他在大萧条时期受雇于通用电气公司. 并成为当时最年轻的全国销售经理. He was awarded the rare "E Award" for overseeing GE's multiple war production plant facilities.

Mr. 丰富的 then was asked to lead the federal Northeast District for the Council for Economic Development. 第二次世界大战期间,他自愿加入海军和海军陆战队, serving in the South Pacific Islands and in Tokyo after the Japanese surrender. 他因杰出的服务而获得了许多勋章. 战后,奥巴马先生. 丰富的成为Philco Corp .的副总裁兼董事. 然后接受了Avco公司的总裁和董事职位. 从那时起,他的事业开始升级, 他继续持有多个, 在许多公司同时担任首席执行官和董事长. 这些行业包括石油、天然气勘探和生产, 出版, 玻璃容器, 银行到环境工程和生产设施. 他领导着你.S. 过滤集团. as chairman and CEO to a significant role in its field, increasing revenues twenty-fold in the 1970s.

从活跃的企业生活退休后,Mr. 丰富的专注于收购各种房地产. 除了他在博卡格兰德的主要住所, 佛罗里达, 以及他在Esopus的地产, he owned at various times in his life cattle ranches in Arizona and Oklahoma, 爱荷华州的玉米和大豆农场, 纽约的联排别墅, 缅因州的家, 苏格兰高地上的一座城堡, 奥地利一座12世纪的城堡, 在法国还有一座城堡. Mr. 丰富的 was a member of the University Club for more than 60 years and the Union Club, 都在纽约市, 以及博卡格兰德俱乐部和佛罗里达州的加斯帕里拉酒店俱乐部.


奥利弗·哈扎德·佩恩上校出生于1839年,他的名字来源于伟大的美国士兵.S. 海军英雄奥利弗·哈扎德·佩里. 他在俄亥俄州的克利夫兰长大,是约翰. 洛克菲勒. 他毕业于耶鲁大学,在那里他是威廉. 惠特尼, 佩恩 entered the 124th Ohio Infantry as a First Lieutenant in 1862 and served through the Civil War. 在被提升为上校之后, he was brevetted Brigadier General of Volunteers in recognition of his meritorious service during the war. 佩恩上校的妹妹, 植物区系, 惠特尼结婚, 还有他们的一个儿子, 哈利·佩恩·惠特尼, 娶了格特鲁德·范德比尔特.

战后, Colonel 佩恩 became interested in iron manufacturing and oil refining in Cleveland, 创始人克拉克, 佩恩 & Co. 1872年,他的公司被约翰. 洛克菲勒, and Colonel 佩恩 went on to serve as treasurer of the Standard Oil Co. 并成为美国最富有的人之一. In 1998, American 遗产 Magazine listed 佩恩 at number 26 on a list of the "forty wealthiest Americans of all time."

In 1905, 佩恩上校买下了约翰·雅各布·阿斯特在伊斯普斯的地产, 纽约, and supervised the construction of a mansion designed by Carrère and Hastings, 纽约公共图书馆和弗里克博物馆的建筑师 in Manhattan. 佩恩 had the palazzo constructed in a style similar to one he had seen on the Italian coast.

1917年他去世时, Colonel 佩恩 was a noted philanthropist and one of the best yachtsmen in America. Having never married, he left the Esopus property to his nephew, Harry 佩恩 Bingham. In 1933, Bingham donated the Esopus estate to the Episcopal Diocese of 纽约. 从1937年到1966年, 这里曾是威尔特威克男校, a noted home for troubled children in which First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt took great interest.

In 1942, 威尔特威克学校不再是宗派学校,财产也被分割了, 其中一部分卖给了bet亚洲365欢迎投注兄弟, 玛丽斯特学院的创始人. 直到1986年, 兄弟俩的遗产, 包括佩恩大厦, 被用作学校和静修所. Mr. 里奇买下了这栋豪宅, 船库, and 60 acres of land from the Brothers in 1986 and restored the estate and its 船库 to their former glory.