Student Achievement

Red Fox Spotlight: Evan Fernandez ’21

Elisabeth Tavarez
Evan Fernandez '19

February 22, 2019 -为他人服务是一个反复出现的主题在埃文·费尔南德斯的生活' 21之前,他来到bet亚洲365欢迎投注研究刑事司法. So after his arrival at the College, 他能够利用这种帮助他人的传统来支持被飓风玛丽亚摧毁的波多黎各人(包括他自己的朋友和家人). 

Growing up in Isabela, on Puerto Rico’s northwest coast, 服务, leadership, 社区参与一直是费尔南德斯生活的核心. 正如他所说,“我来自一个鹰童军家庭,我们总是伸出援手.  It’s just what we do.” In addition to earning his own Eagle Scout rank, Fernandez was a leader in his high school, serving as captain of the track and field, basketball, and soccer teams. 他的父亲是美国国土安全部的一名联邦特工, 这激发了他对刑事司法的兴趣,也激发了他去bet亚洲365欢迎投注的旅程. Says Fernandez, “My father is a great role model, 我一直钦佩他的职业道德和对服务的承诺. When I was looking at colleges, 我知道bet亚洲365欢迎投注既有很强的刑事司法专业,又参加过后备军官训练团, so it was at the top of my list.” His optimism was not misplaced, and he is especially appreciative of his advisor, 刑事司法助理教授莫莉·布坎南, who has guided him academically.

Arriving at Marist as a freshman, Fernandez dove right into campus life, 在学院活动办公室做技术员, becoming a tour guide, and joining the Student Government Association, 他是负责安全的副总裁. Culture shock was not an issue for him, as he was already familiar with the United States mainland; Fernandez’s mother is from California, while his father is from New York. 但他是哈德逊河谷的新手,这里有各种各样的娱乐机会,这让他感到惊喜. 像他的父亲一样,费尔南德斯加入了一个兄弟会,担任副主席. 该组织的核心支柱之一是社区服务, 慈善募捐活动也经常发生. 因为他在那里得到了支持和友爱, Fernandez says, “It’s hard to feel alone on campus. 他们是一群难得的朋友,更像是兄弟,真的.”

Evan Fernandez '21

bet亚洲365欢迎投注 a month into Fernandez’s college career, Hurricane Maria, a deadly Category 5 storm, slammed into Puerto Rico, taking the lives of almost 3,000 people, destroying countless structures, 导致岛上电力中断数月. Says Fernandez, “Since my dad works for Homeland Security, 他在波多黎各和美属维尔京群岛帮忙, and I was able to speak to him via satellite phone. 我知道我们的房子安然度过了暴风雨,但我叔叔的屋顶被掀掉了. 这很可怕,因为过了一个多月我才和妈妈说话, my uncle, and my grandfather.” Wanting to help those in need, 费尔南德斯投身于组织校园救济活动, 既在他的大一宿舍,也通过他的兄弟会, 为波多黎各筹集资金和物资. 在费尔南德斯布鲁克林教父的帮助下, 这些物资被运送到波多黎各,用于重建工作. Says Fernandez, “When I went home over Christmas break, the power was still out, and I remember us eating MREs [Meal, “即食食品”和头上挂着大灯玩多米诺骨牌.“除了把他的精力用于飓风救援之外, 费尔南德斯通过他的朋友在学校里找到了支持, as well as his fellow students from Puerto Rico, 由西班牙语教授Ivette Romero召集.

费尔南德斯继续忙于课外活动和学业, and he likes to think long-term. In addition to majoring in criminal justice, 他正在攻读律师助理证书,以使他的学习多样化,在专业上更有竞争力. Fernandez has always been interested in the law, 他希望在军队中有机会运用他的律师助理技能. (他与陆军预备队签订了一份为期8年的合同,并给予退役军士长特别荣誉. 戴夫·罗杰斯,bet亚洲365欢迎投注的后备军官训练团协调员,感谢他的帮助和鼓励.) 参加后备役军官训练军团在夏季也提供出国训练的机会, 费尔南德斯说,与传统的海外留学相比,他更有可能选择这种方式. Ultimately, 他计划参加bet亚洲365欢迎投注的五年制公共管理硕士课程,目标是成为政府机构的联邦特工. 通过刑事司法副教授组织的实地考察, 费尔南德斯已经和98届理事杰罗姆·皮克特联系上了, who served for many years in the Secret Service.

在业余时间,费尔南德斯经营着一家销售漫画书和流行文化纪念品的公司. “我在Instagram上购买和转售漫画书和人物玩偶. 我从很小的时候起就是一个收藏家,这是一个很棒的社区.他最近在弗吉尼亚州的一个漫画大会上有一个摊位, 在哪里他可以卖掉他的漫画书,并与其他爱好者建立联系. 费尔南德斯认为他的漫画事业不会阻碍他成为联邦探员的计划, 然而. “我是一个粉丝,也是一个消费者,所以我并没有从这项业务中赚到很多钱!“这可能是费尔南德斯唯一没有成功的领域.

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